Challenge suppliers to drive sustainable Supply-Chain
EK challenges suppliers to provide goods which are made under good working conditions and with respect for the environment and animals.
When we talk about sustainable products, we are thinking of several criteria, such as more sustainable materials that have less impact on the environment by saving water, energy and chemicals, or the use of recycled materials which do not exhaust the soil again. Furthermore, a sustainable product is a product made under responsible conditions throughout the entire supply-chain. Think, for instance, of no child labour, a living wage for all workers, no discrimination, and no over-working. However, the method of transport and packaging also form part of a sustainable product.
EK strives for transparent supply-chains in order to identify and mitigate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks.
Material Topic: Responsible & Sustainable Supply-Chain
The integration and management of environmental, social (including human rights) and governance considerations into all the supply-chain processes, including engaging with suppliers on such topics and selecting, screening and auditing suppliers accordingly.
EK ambition
Challenge suppliers to drive sustainable supply-chains which are managed to respect the welfare of ecosystems, people and animals.